Agastache foeniculum
Anise Hyssop
Attracts loads of butterflies and pollinators
Drought tolerant once established
Superb anise-scented foliage
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 24-48 in
Spread: 18-36 in
Allium cernuum
Wild Nodding Onion
Easy to Grow
Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
Excellent nectar source for native bees
Deer resistant
Drought Tolerant
Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 12-18 Inches
Spread: 12-18 Inches
Asclepias incarnata
Swamp Milkweed
Attracts butterflies
Upright growing
Long, lance-like foliage
Small, mauve-pink fragrant flowers late June through July
Attracts birds
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 3-4 Feet
Spread: 12-24 Inches
Asclepias tuberosa
Butterfly Milkweed
Essential for attracting Monarch butterflies
Drought tolerant
Umbels of small orange flowers mid-July to August
Caterpillar food source and nectar source
Attracts birds
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 18-30 Inches
Spread: 12-24 Inches
Asclepias verticillata
Whorled Milkweed (Horsetail Milkweed)
A nectar source for many butterflies, especially monarchs
Easy to grow, drought tolerant once established
Deer resistant
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 12-36 Inches
Spread: 1-2 Inches
Aster n.a. ‘Alma Potchke’
New England Aster
Deep pink flowers in the fall
Good cut flower
Great source of nectar for butterflies
Attracts wildlife
Dense mound of deep green foliage
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 30-40 Inches
Spread: 30-40 Inches
Aster oblongifolius ‘Raydon’s Favorite’
Aromatic Aster
2016 Plant of the Year by The Garden Club of America
Delicate single lavender blooms in the fall
Aromatic, grey-green foliage
Attracts butterflies
Deer resistant
Drought resistant
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 2-3 Feet
Spread: 12-15 Inches
Baptisia australis
Blue Indigo
Easy to grow
Deep green foliage
Large indigo flowers
Long-lasting color
Drought tolerant
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 3-4 Feet
Spread: 3-4 Feet
Coreopsis ‘Sunshine Superman’
Star Tickseed
Beautiful yellow-orange blooms
Heat and mildew resistant
Attracts butterflies
Seeds attract birds
Drought tolerant once established
Deer resistant
Easy to grow and maintain
Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Height: 12-18 Inches
Spread: 12-18 Inches
Echinacea purpurea
Purple Coneflower
Attracts butterflies in large numbers
Hummingbirds thrive on the sweet nectar
Finches and other birds eat its seed in the fall
Long blooming and a colorful cut flower
Drought tolerant once established
Looks terrific planted with native grasses
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 2-3 Feet
Spread: 18-24 Inches
Erigeron pulchellus ‘Lynnhaven Carpet’
Very showy flowers in spring, easy to grow
Nectar attracts butterflies, skippers and bees
Some small bees also collect pollen
Drought tolerant, great for dry situations with poor soil
No serious pest or disease problems
Mat-forming habit makes this a great groundcover
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 12-15 in
Spread: 10-12 in
Helenium autumnale
Common Sneezeweed
One of the best butterfly attracter’s you can grow
Late bloom time allows great Fall color
Perfect for use as a cut flower
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 3-5 ft
Spread: 3-4 ft
Heliopsis helianthoides var. ‘Burning Hearts’
Smooth Ox-eye Daisy
Dynamic yellow-orange flowers
Attractive deep purple foliage
Thrives in full sun
Attracts bees, butterflies, and birds
Long bloom, buds from July through September
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 3-4 ft
Spread: 12-18 in
Hibiscus moscheutos
Rose Mallow
Large graceful flowers through the late summer
Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
Happy in wet soil
Nectar source for hummingbirds and other pollinators
Preferred pollen source for some native bees
Tall stems provide over-wintering sites for beneficial insects
Birds use previous years stem fibers for nesting material
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 24-30 Inches
Spread: 24-30 Inches
Liatris spicata
Spike Gayfeather (Dense Blazing Star)
Hummingbird and butterfly magnet
Long blooming with big, showy bloom spikes
Great for late season and perfect for cutting
Easy to grow and drought tolerant
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 3-5 ft
Spread: 18-24 in
Lupinus perennis
Sundial Wild Lupine
Fat, tall spikes of bluish-purple flowers late May into July
Easy to grow
Deer resistant
Attracts butterflies
Looks great in groups
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 2-3 Feet
Spread: 15-18 Inches
Mentha arvensis
Wild Mint
Essential plant for native bees
Incredibly fragrant
Pollinator magnet!
Easy to grow
Fast growing but not aggressive like garden mints
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 6-24 in
Spread: 12-20 in
Bee Balm
Strongly upright and spreading
Rigid, square stems
Large, pointed leaves are extremely fragrant and look and feel velvet-like
Buds open early July to reveal tubular, two-lipped violet blooms
Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
More mildew tolerant than many Bee Balms
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 30-36 Inches
Spread: 18-24 Inches
Oenothera f. ‘Fireworks’
Evening Primrose
Easy to grow
Deep bronze foliage and stems form a tight, rounded bush
Canary-yellow flowers June through July
Attracts moths and butterflies
Deer resistant
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 15-18 Inches
Spread: 12-15 Inches
Packera aurea
Golden Ragwort
Tough and aggressive-growing
Early to mid-spring brings golden, daisy-like flowers
Deep green foliage remains semi-evergreen in many spots
Spreads thickly to form a ground covering mat
Synonymous with and still frequently sold as Senecio aureus
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 6-8 Inches
Spread: 18-24 Inches
Penstemon digitalis ‘Husker Red’
Beard Tongue
1996 Perennial Plant of the Year
Easy to grow
Deep red foliage
Upright stems
Snowy white tubular flowers
Blooms June through July
Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
Drought tolerant
Attracts songbirds
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 24-30 Inches
Spread: 18-24 Inches
Phlox divaricata ‘Blue Moon’
Woodland Phlox
Trailing and tumbling mass develops buds early April
Blooms late April
Deep violet-blue flowers conceal the green foliage
Fragrant flowers
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 10-12 Inches
Spread: 12-15 Inches
Physostegia vir. ‘Miss Manners’
Obedient Plant
Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
Strong stems emerge from the soil and grow straight up
Dark green, long, narrow waxy leaves
Pure white, snapdragon-like flowers all summer
Thrives in full sun
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 24-30 Inches
Spread: 18-24 Inches
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
Slender Mountain Mint
Spreads via rhizomes and is a great groundcover
Nectar and pollen source for butterflies
A favorite for native bee species
Small birds enjoy the seeds
Aromatic foliage smells of mint
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 24-36 in
Spread: 20-24 in
Ratibida columnifera
Mexican Hat Plant
Mounds of fine textured, green foliage
Flowers with long, prominent cones surrounded by reflexed petals in shades of deep reddish-brown, orange and yellow
Loves hot, dry conditions
Deer resistant
Attracts songbirds
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 18-24 Inches
Spread: 12-18 Inches
Rudbeckia var. Fulgida
Black Eyed Susan
Smaller flowers but longer bloom than Goldsturm
Golden rayed, deep brown coned flowers
Blooms July and is still blooming in October
Attracts birds and butterflies
Easy to grow
Drought resistant
Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Height: 24-30 Inches
Spread: 20-24 Inches
Tephrosia virginiana
Goat’s Rue
Seed pods attract native songbirds and butterflies
Unique colors
Deer resistant
Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 12-24 in
Spread: 9-18 in
Thermopsis villosa
Carolina Lupine
Bright yellow flowers
Attracts butterflies
Easy to grow
Great for wildflower gardens
Deer resistant
Low Maintenance
Good cut flower
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 3-4 ft
Spread: 2-3 ft
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Album’
Culver’s Root
Tall flower spikes of white in late summer
Remove the spent blooms for a fall rebloom
Nectar source for butterflies and pollinators
Seeds for birds like quail, pheasant, and finches
Stems provide winter cover for beneficial insects
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Height: 3-4 Feet
Spread: 2-3 Feet
Vernonia lettermannii ‘Iron Butterfly’
Narrow-leaf Ironweed
Tough, tolerant, and drought resistant
Attracts butterflies
Thrives in dry, rocky soil
Small, star-like purple flowers late summer into fall
Long, narrow foliage
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 30-36 Inches
Spread: 30-36 Inches
Trees & Shrubs
Amelanchier canadensis
Shadblow Serviceberry
Easy to grow and rewarding
Snowy white, small flowers emerge in late April
Oval-shaped plant
Deep green foliage
Shiny black fruit matures late summer
Attracts birds
Great fall color and winter bark
Hardiness Zone:4-8
Height:25-30 ft
Spread:15-20 ft
Aronia melanocarpa ‘Iroquois Beauty’
Black Chokeberry
White flowers in May attract loads of pollinators
Fragrant flowers
Deep red fall color
Multi-stemmed, compact habit
Purple to black berries in fall and winter
Deer resistant
Hardiness Zone:3-8
Height:2-3 ft
Spread:4-5 ft
Castanea dentata
American Chestnut
Formerly considered one of the finest chestnut trees in the world
Produces sweet, edible nuts
Hardiness Zone:5-8
Height:50-75 ft
Spread:50-75 ft
Ceanothus americanus
New Jersey Tea, Redroot
Leaves were used as tea substitute during Revolutionary War
Easy to grow
Drought tolerant
Sweet flowers
Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
Dense, tight form
Yellow twigs for winter interest
White flowers in late May
Hardiness Zone:4-8
Height:3-4 ft
Spread:3-4 ft
Chionanthus virginicus
White Fringetree
Easy to grow
Green, spear-like leaves
White fringelike blooms May and June
Attracts birds
Attracts butterflies
Beautiful fall foliage
Lightly fragrant
Great specimen or border plant
Hardiness Zone:4-9
Height:12-20 ft
Spread:12-20 ft
Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice'
Ruby Spice Summersweet
Deep, reddish-pink blooms
Color does not fade
Delicious fragrance
Tolerates same conditions as other Clethra
Deer resistant
Tolerates shade, acidic wet soil, and salt spray
Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds seek its nectar
Hardiness Zone:4-8
Height:4-6 ft
Spread:3-5 ft
Cotinus obovatus
American Smoketree
6-10' long panicles
Flower clusters resemble pink puffs of smoke
Amazing fall color
Tolerates long droughts, heat, and dry and gravelly soils
Provides cover for birds and other wildlife
Moderate deer resistance
Hardiness Zone:4-8
Height:15-30 ft
Spread:10-15 ft
Franklinia alatamaha
Franklin Tree
Fragrant white flowers smell like honeysuckle
Striking fall foliage color
Historically significant and rare
Saved from extinction in colonial times
Perfect for bird nesting and cover
A great choice for smaller landscape spaces
Hardiness Zone:5-9
Height:10-20 ft
Spread:6-15 ft
Hamamelis virginiana ‘Harvest Moon’
Witch Hazel
Blooms in Autumn after leaves have fallen
Unique, fragrant flowers
Lemon yellow, crinkly petals
Large and attractive with deep green leaves during spring and summertime
Thrives in sunny, well-drained locations
Hardiness Zone:3-8
Height:15-20 ft
Spread:15-20 ft
Lindera benzoin
Versatile and easy to grow
Oval and upright
Tiny, yellow-green flowers attracts bees and butterflies
Deep green leaves
Red berries attract birds
Showy yellow foliage color in fall
Hardiness Zone:4-8
Height:6-10 ft
Spread:6-10 ft
Magnolia virginiana ‘Jim Wilson'
Sweetbay Magnolia
Vigorous growing
Disease resistant
Big, deep green foliage
Massive, fragrant white flowers emerge June through the summer
Attracts birds
Produces red berries
Hardiness Zone:5-10
Height:15-35 ft
Spread:10-20 ft
Myrica gale
Provides food and cover to Yellow-rumped Warblers
Great cover and nesting for native birds
Helps bring nitrogen to poor soil areas
Easy to grow and thrives in wet conditions
Tolerates brackish and saltmarsh conditions
Foliage fragrant when crushed
Dense, rounded form
Hardiness Zone:2-8
Height:4-6 ft
Spread:4-6 ft
Myrica pensylvanica
Northern Bayberry
Vigorous and spreading
Aromatic, dark, glossy foliage in the summer
Deep burgundy fall color
Blue-gray berries in winter
Very hardy, very tolerant
Both leaves and berries extremely aromatic
Great for group plantings
Hardiness Zone:3-8
Height:5-6 ft
Spread:8-10 ft
Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red'
Canada Red Chokecherry
Berries attractive to wildlife
Seasonal color
Use in jams, pies, wines, and juices
Ornamental tree
Shade tree
Hardiness Zone:2-10
Height:25-30 ft
Spread:15-20 ft
Vaccinium angustifolium
Lowbush Blueberry
Sweet, dark blue berries mid to late summer
Open, airy form
White flowers in May
Dark green leaves turn reddish-bronze in the fall
Hardiness Zone:2-8
Height:6-24 in
Spread:18-24 in
Viburnum acerifolium
Mapleleaf Viburnum
Extremely easy growing
Attracts songbirds and butterflies
Grows upright but suckers freely
Trident, maple-like foliage
3" wide flat cymes of small white flowers
Heads of fruit start black and turn red
Hardiness Zone:3-8
Height:4-5 ft
Spread:4-5 ft
Viburnum dentatum
Arrowwood Viburnum
Very hardy and easy to grow
Flowers attract butterflies and other pollinators
Fruit is a songbird magnet
Hardiness Zone:2-8
Height:6-10 ft
Spread:6-10 ft
Over the past few years we have planted nearly 2,000 U.S Native Plants into the meadows on Champlin Road.
Some of the plants we have chosen are Native to Block Island, some are not. With an eye on our changing climate, our goal is not to restore the landscape to its original state but to create a thriving ecosystem that will withstand our warming climate and create a haven for the pollinators, birds and small mammals that call this special island home now and into the future.
Each plant we have introduced has a specific purpose in the landscape, from aiding in soil remediation to creating food and habitat; some have worked beautifully, others have failed.
Everyday doing this work is both a gift and humbling learning experience.
Whether you've joined us on one of our garden and meadow tours and wanted more information about the plants you saw or are just curious about the plants we’re using, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorites.
*All of the trees, shrubs and perennials that we use are grown and sourced as locally as possible from trusted nurseries in CT and RI.
**All of our heirloom Apple trees are from Fedco Seeds in Maine.
***Our ground cover crops, Native Grass Seeds and Native Wildflower Mixes are from Johnny’s Seeds in Maine.